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MOLTEN Conference 2024

Conference advisory committee

Conference advisory committee

Brian Monaghan.png

Prof. Brian Monaghan

Pyrometallurgy Lecturer and Researcher in Materials Engineering, University of Wollongong

Professor Brian Monaghan has been a lecturer and researcher in materials engineering at the University of Wollongong (UOW) for over 20 years. 

He is a pyrometallurgist who believes passionately that if the sustainability, energy, and greenhouse gas challenges facing our World are to be solved, we need strong engagement from the engineering and scientific communities with industry and the wider society. His expertise lies in the kinetics and thermodynamics of high-temperature metals processing.  He is the Coordinator of the Engineering Materials Centre at UOW, the leader of the UOW PYRO Group and the academic leader of Program 1 Process Integration and Sustainability of ARC Research Hub for Australian Steel Innovation (SRH II). 

Professor Monaghan is current research projects are   

  • Zero-CO2 Production of Essential Technological Metals 
  • Obtaining Value from Steel Plant By-Products. 
  • Effect of Slag Structure on Interfacial Tension 
  • Evaluation of the Productivity Limits in the Blast Furnace Lower Zone 
  • Phosphorous Partitioning in Slags 

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