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Professional Certificate

Integrated Mine Closure

Intake commences 10 March 2025

  • 40 PD hours 40 PD hours
  • 100% online 100% online
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Professional Certificate

Integrated Mine Closure

Intake commences 10 March 2025

  • 40 PD hours 40 PD hours
  • 100% online 100% online
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ic_round-star.pngic_round-star.pngeic_round-star.pngic_round-star.pngic_round-star.png  AusIMM courses rated 4.9/5 (4.5k+ reviews)

Course Overview

  • Deep dive into the key components of this important process and recognise the compelling business case for Integrated Mine Closure (IMC) that can realise significant value to operations.  
  • Explore the role of environmental and socio-economic knowledge base and the importance of a shared closure vision; 
  • Discover the criticality of social transition and leaving a positive legacy to successful IMC;
  • Learn the importance of closure integration into Life of Mine planning and multi-disciplinary ownership of IMC.

Who is this for?

Specialists in disciplines that have a role to play in Integrated Mine Closure such as:

  • Mine planners, 
  • Mining engineers, 
  • Mine closure practitioners, 
  • Technical services, 
  • Finance, 
  • Legal, 
  • Social, 
  • Safety/health, 
  • Human resources and 
  • Environmental.

Mine Closure Practitioners that would like to refresh or improve their knowledge and skills in this area

Mid-level managers (Coordinators and Superintendents)

Our curriculum is designed to enhance understanding and skills in integrated mine closure planning, so participants can execute effective strategies for mine rehabilitation, and ensure sustainable outcomes for both the environment and local communities.

Duration Delivery Course Type 2025 Intakes PD Hours Language
40 hours 
8 weeks
100% online
10 March

15 September
Up to 40

Course Modules

  • Business case and challenges
  • Knowledge base (environmental and socio-economic)
  • Internal and external requirements
  • Closure vision, land-uses and objectives

Participants will be able to apply their knowledge of integrated mine closure to create effective and sustainable plans that mitigate environmental and social impacts and optimise economic benefits. This includes explaining the compelling business case and challenges to IMC, and identifying internal and external stakeholder requirements
and communicating effectively throughout the process. They will also recognise the
importance of the environmental and socioeconomic knowledge base to establish a
baseline for IMC planning, and the crucial role that stakeholder ownership of the closure vision and associated land-uses plays.

  • Identifying stakeholders
  • Stakeholder engagement plan
  • Social Investment and positive legacy
  • Governance

Participants will understand the criticality of social transition to successful IMC and the
importance of stakeholders being engaged early with clear communication of the level of influence through appropriate forums. This includes leaving a positive legacy through the development of enduring non-mining related enterprises to support communities post-closure. They will also recognise that governance related to closure occurs throughout the LoM and at different levels, with a particular focus on closure costs and regular independent review.

• Life of mine plans
• Maturity assessment across the LoM
• Domain based closure activities
• Design criteria

Participants will recognise the importance of closure integration into LoM planning
and multi-disciplinary ownership of IMC. This includes explaining the importance of increasing maturity of closure activities throughout the LoM and identification of
actions to iteratively address gaps. They will also describe domain based closure
activities related to mine voids, waste and infrastructure, and the importance of design
criteria and the impact of climate change on IMC.

• Closure risk assessment
• Opportunities analysis
• Closure liability and cost estimates
• Integrated closure plan

Participants will identify and assess closure risks, while identifying actions to address unacceptable residual risks after closure activities have been implemented. This includes recognising the opportunities presented through comprehensive risk analysis and IMC, and the importance of their analysis and realisation to create value. They
will also be able to explain the different types of closure costs and their purpose, as well as the key components of an Integrated Closure Plan.

• Progressive rehabilitation/trials
• Execution plan
• Demolition and decommissioning

Participants will recognise that the execution of closure plans requires the same project management rigour as original mine development and involves increasing levels of detail across the final ten years of operations. This includes identifying infrastructure sale or demolition activities, and understanding the importance of progressive rehabilitation and closure activities throughout the LoM to optimise closure costs and decrease risk. They will also explain how the continuous
improvement of the integrated closure plan throughout the LoM is dependent on the
identification and implementation of actions that must be resourced and tracked.

• Success criteria
• Maintenance and management
• Reporting and technology platforms
• Relinquishment or alternative

Participants will explain SMART success criteria and associated monitoring
programs, and their importance in driving relinquishment. This includes the
identification of appropriate maintenance and management activities for areas that do not meet defined success criteria. They will also recognise the importance of reporting and technology platforms to engage internal and external stakeholders, as well as explaining alternatives to relinquishment as an outcome of the IMC process.

Course Pricing

Price is inclusive of 10% GST
  • Exclusive discounts
  • Access to digital library
  • Networking opportunities
  • Professional development
  • Industry insights
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Price is inclusive of 10% GST
  • Exclusive discounts
  • Access to digital library
  • Networking opportunities
  • Professional development
  • Industry insights
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  • Exclusive discounts
  • Access to digital library
  • Networking opportunities
  • Professional development
  • Industry insights
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Professional Certificate in Integrated Mine Closure

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the business case, challenges, and key components of Integrated Mine Closure (IMC), including starting with the end in mind.
  • Recognise the importance of the environmental and socio-economic knowledge base to establish a baseline for integrated mine closure planning.
  • Explain the criticality of social transition to successful integrated mine closure and the importance of leaving a positive legacy through the development of enduring non-mining related enterprises to support communities’ post-closure.
  • Recognise the importance of closure integration into Life of Mine (LoM) planning and multi-disciplinary ownership of integrated mine closure.
  • Describe domain-based closure activities related to mine voids, waste and infrastructure, and the importance of design criteria and the impact of climate change on mine closure.
  • Identify and assess closure risks, opportunities and the importance of their analysis and realisation to reduce risk and realise value.
  • Explain the different types of mine closure costs and their purpose, as well as the key components of an Integrated Mine Closure Plan.
  • Recognise that the execution of mine closure plans requires the same project management rigour as the original mine development.
  • Explain SMART success criteria and associated monitoring programs to drive relinquishment or alternatives, including the identification of appropriate maintenance and management activities for areas that do not meet defined success criteria.
  • Assess a mine closure plan using a Maturity Framework.

Course Structure

The practical and outcomes-focused eight-week course consists of six modules over six weeks, with a final two weeks to complete the assessment. This course is ideal for those looking to deepen their understanding of mine closure and mine planning courses. The course consists of:

  • Live virtual classrooms (with recordings made available within 24 hours)
  • Pre-recorded videos, featuring interviews with experienced industry experts who share their expertise on mine closure and rehabilitation, among other critical topics.
  • Interactive learning activities and discussions that foster a deeper understanding of mine rehabilitation processes and strategies.
  • Multiple-choice questions that help consolidate learning and ensure participants are well-prepared for the final assessment.
  • Additional reading materials, including case studies, that offer real-world insights into mining closure practices and the challenges involved.

The final Integrated Mine Closure assessment will require participants to critically assess a closure plan.

Course Schedule

Course dates Virtual classrooms Assessment

Course commences: 10 March 2025

Course closes: 4 May 2025

Module 1: No live session (recording will be made available)

Module 2: Wednesday 19 March, 11.00–12.00 AEDT

Module 3: Wednesday 26 March, 10.00–11.00 AEDT

Module 4: Wednesday 2 April, 10.00–11.00 AEDT

Module 5: Wednesday 9 April, 10.00–11.00 AEST

Module 6: Wednesday 16 April, 13.00–14.00 AEST

Due date: 4 May 2025

Note: The virtual classrooms listed above are the only scheduled activities for this course but they are not the only activities. All other course work (eg videos, readings, final assessment, etc) can be completed at your own pace on the learning platform within the course duration. All activities must be completed before the course close date. The virtual classrooms will be recorded and made available within 24 hours for those participants unable to attend the scheduled sessions.


Course Facilitators

All programs have been developed in consultation with leading organisations in the mining industry, subject matter experts and community leaders to ensure you gain the latest knowledge and develop relevant skills to accelerate your career.

Dr Carl Grant

Director and Principal Closure/Rehabilitation Unearthed Environmental Services Pty Ltd
Renowned mine closure expert with 25 years experience.

Carl has 25 years experience in the mining industry globally, with a focus on mine closure and rehabilitation. Following his undergraduate science degree at UWA, he completed an Honours thesis on seed ecology and his Doctorate on fire ecology both in Alcoa’s rehabilitated bauxite mines in Western Australia. He then took up an academic position at the University of New England in NSW where he developed one of the first focused units on ecosystem rehabilitation, supervised more than 50 students and published more than 60 refereed papers.

In 2001, he took up a position in Alcoa’s research department and made the switch to operational mining roles in 2004. He was Environment and Community Manager for Alcoa’s mining operations in WA for five years. Carl then moved to Anglo American’s Met Coal operations in 2011 to the position of Regional Environment Manager responsible for nine operating sites and nine projects in Qld, NSW and British Columbia (Canada).

In July 2014, he took up a global position with Anglo as Global Head of Mine Closure Planning working at all 60 of their then operations around the world. Carl left Anglo in early 2022 and became a Director and Principal Closure/Rehabilitation of Unearthed Environmental Services Pty Ltd. Clients already include Anglo American, BHP, Glencore, ERA (Rio Tinto), ICMM, AusIMM, Newmont, Newcrest, South32, Fauna and Flora International, and the Queensland Government.

Todd Bell

Principal Closure, MMG
Todd is the Principal Closure at MMG and is based in Brisbane, Australia. He has over 17 years experience in environmental management, rehabilitation and closure fields. During his career, he has had exposure to brownfield and greenfield projects in bauxite, coal, gold, iron ore, diamonds, platinum, nickel and copper across Australia and internationally. Todd has been employed in rehabilitation and closure-focused roles for the past 10 years. Todd is passionate about building rehabilitation and closure competencies at the operational and corporate level to drive responsible mining practices and value creation for all stakeholders.

Dr Sheridan Coakes

National Social Practice Lead Umwelt Environmental and Social Consultants
Dr Sheridan Coakes is a Social Scientist with 30 years research and applied experience in the areas of social impact assessment and management and stakeholder and community engagement. Sherie has contributed to the development and institutionalisation of SIA practice in industry and government across Australia and has been involved in numerous large-scale public and private sector development projects in diverse sectors such as mining, quarrying, oil and gas, forestry, renewable energy, infrastructure and urban development.

Sherie currently holds the position of National Social Practice Lead with Umwelt Australia where she leads a national group of 20 social practitioners and is also a member of Umwelt’s Executive Management Team. She is a Convenor of the SIA Community of Practice for the Environmental Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ), has led the SIA Strategic Environmental Advisory Committee, charged with developing a specialist certification for SIA in Australia and New Zealand, the first of its kind globally, and is a member of the Certified Environmental Practitioners (CEnvP) Certification Board. In May 2021, Sherie was appointed as a Commissioner to the NSW Independent Planning Commission, responsible for making decisions on large and contentious project development applications across NSW.

Kim Ferguson

Director Mine Closure, WSP
Kim has over 20 years’ experience in the environmental, social and closure aspects of resources projects throughout Australia and internationally, across all life cycle phases and in operational, corporate, project and consulting roles. For the past 10 years, Kim’s focus has been on integrated closure planning and execution, and all that it involves, across the entire lifecycle of resource assets.

Dr Cherie McCullough

Director/Principal Environmental Scientist Mine Lakes Consulting
Cherie is Director of Mine Lakes Consulting and Principal Environmental Scientist. She has over 25 years’ experience in consulting and research, focused on the mining industry and with water resources. Cherie’s primary skills are in environmental management, ecotoxicology, ecology, geochemistry and hydrogeology. Cherie is a recognised leading international expert on pit lake sustainability, mine closure planning and rehabilitation; with project experience across Australasia, Asia, and North and South America.

She has published over 100 peer-reviewed scientific journal and conference proceeding papers, book chapters, and leading practice industry guidelines, a book and international industry articles and conference presentations on pit lakes, mine closure, aquatic ecology and ecotoxicology. Cherie has helped develop guidance for mine closure, pit lakes and mine water impacts for Western Australia, South Australia, the Commonwealth of Australia, Papua New Guinea, Canada and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

Mike O'Kane

Senior Technical Advisor Okane Consultants
Founder of Okane Consultants, Mike works with the company as a senior technical advisor applying technical expertise and knowledge on risk management best practices as tools for development and communication of project objectives and designs. He provides peer review for numerous government and private agencies while also being a member of multiple advisory panels. Mike is also the chair of Okane’s board of directors, and serves as a director of the Landform Design Institute and chair of its Technical Advisory Panel.

Jonathan Sanders

Mine Closure Practitioner, Associate KCB Australia
Jonathan is a Mine Closure Practitioner with KCB, located in Newcastle Australia. Jonathan has over 16 years of consulting and Owner’s experience in mining, hydro-electric power and ports. He has led several mine closure projects located across the U.S, Canada, Mexico, Indonesia, Australia, Peru, and Papua New Guinea. He is passionate about water stewardship and building professional closure planning capacity within the industry.

Dr Neeltje Slingerland

Mine Closure Practice Lead (Canada) WSP
Dr Neeltje Slingerland is the national mine closure practice lead for WSP in Canada. Although based in Vancouver, Neeltje has a truly global portfolio and relishes navigating dynamic challenges with her clients and contributing to a positive mining industry legacy. Among her publications are over 20 papers on geomorphic design and tailings storage facility closure; Neeltje has also co-authored the closure chapter of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, & Exploration (SME) Tailings Handbook, as well as national mine closure guidance for the governments of developing nations.

Neeltje has taught full-length courses, short courses, and workshops at universities, conferences, and for professional societies across North and South America. Neeltje is a geoscientist, a registered landscape architect, and has a PhD in geo-environmental engineering.

Dr Bjorn Weeks

Senior Advisor, Closure Teck Resources Ltd
Dr Bjorn Weeks provided Teck Resources with strategic leadership and technical direction on all closure related matters. Prior to joining Teck in 2022, Björn was the global lead for mine closure services at WSP/Golder. With over 28 years of professional experience, he has dedicated his career to mine closure. He has worked on the development and execution of mine closure plans around the world, working with many of the world’s leading mining companies. He has also developed international mine closure guidance documents, including the ICMM’s 2019 Closure Good Practice Guide, and APEC’s 2018 Mine Closure Checklist for Governments. He is the current Co-Chair of ICMM’s Mine Closure Working Group.

His academic background includes a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, a M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, and a Ph. D from the Norman B. Keevil School of mining at the University of British Columbia.

Enrolments now open

Intake commences 10 March 2025

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Your badge links to a detailed outline of the course, showcasing and validating your new skills in a format that employers and colleagues can easily access and trust.

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Getting approval to undertake a course can sometimes be a challenge. To assist you in putting together a compelling business case to your manager, we have prepared an email template. It’s easy to use – just copy, fill in the blanks and email to your manager.

Enrolments now open

Intake commences 10 March 2025

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See what past participants are saying about AusIMM's Online Courses



Overall, the course was fantastic and the facilitators and presenters brilliant. I learnt so much and I'm glad it was available at the start of my Closure career.

Emma Cantarutti, 2024 course participant

I found the course well worthwhile and hope to use the knowledge immediately in my workplace. Everything was impressive: the presenters, interviewees, targeted case studies, access to resources etc, and even the tech of the website itself was impressive.

Chris Dutton, 2024 course participant

I really enjoyed the course. The videos and reading resources added a new dimension to learning. The facilitators were excellent and their experience in the industry is impressive. Thank you.

Jennifer Adshade, 2024 course participant

Informative course content, challenging knowledge reviews and extremely qualified teachers and lecturers delivering the course. Teachers/lecturers delivered excellent balance of technical knowledge and teaching capability to effectively communicate and ensure the mining industry's upcoming round of closure specialists have the right tools at their disposal to tackle the industries greatest challenges.

Mike Larter, 2024 course participant

This Integrated Mine Closure Course was such a comprehensive and insightful course, well-rounded and providing a holistic understanding of the complexity involved in closure planning, the importance of a just transition and stakeholder engagement. The classroom sessions were engaging and meaningful with practical insights and applicable case studies to illustrate opportunities and solutions. Overall informative and thought-provoking and highly recommended.

Sabrina Zimmermann, 2024 course participant

Thank you and well done AusIMM! This was an excellent course! The presenters are excellent. There was a lot of useful information and to be able to integrate it into my workplace live. 

2024 course participant

Frequently asked questions

The course will be run entirely online via a cloud-based platform which can be accessed via computer, tablet or phone. Participants will simply need to have a working Internet connection and a computer, tablet or phone with sound to access the course. Please note that some course videos and the virtual classroom recordings are hosted on Vimeo. Participants in regions where Vimeo is blocked may need to use a VPN to access these materials.

The entire course will run over eight weeks (six modules over six weeks plus another two weeks to finish all course components). It is expected that participants will take about 40 hours to finish the entire course. This includes attendance at live virtual classrooms and completion of all learning activities.

Yes, it is a requirement for participants to complete all modules and pass all learning activities, including the final assessment. A professional certificate will be awarded upon successful completion.

We aim to run two to three intakes each year.

Unfortunately no, participants must complete the course in its entirety.

No, the course is currently delivered in English only. We are looking at delivering the course in other languages in the near future.

Participants can earn professional development (PD) hours for undertaking the online course. One contact hour of technical content is equivalent to one PD hour.

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Your quick reference tool for mine closure preparation

Welcome to your go-to resource for a concise overview of key technical considerations within Integrated Mine Closure (IMC).

This quick-reference tool considers some of the objectives highlighted in module 5 in IMC, which is a component of the overall Integrated Mine Closure process covered in the Professional Certificate curriculum.

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