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Memeber Profile

Geoff Booth

Membership year(s) completed: 21
Memeber Profile
PSG Corportion Company Limied
Project Director - Mining Business Development
Mining Geology, Open Cut Mining

Professional bio

I have over 35 years of experience in mining and consulting in operations across Southeast Asia, North America, Africa, Middle East and Australia. This includes extensive hands-in open pit and underground mining experience, including sub-level and block caving. In terms of commodities, I have acted as a CP for gold, copper, nickel, lead, zinc and silver Mineral Resource estimates. I also have experience in exploration for a wide range of deposit types, including orogenic and epithermal gold, porphyry copper, polymetallic massive sulphide, disseminated sulphide and laterite nickel, as well as uranium.

Company overview

PSG Corportion Company Limied
PSGC is an EPC company focused on multi-industry investments designed to unlock long-term sustainable growth across multiple projects and industries. It has a portfolio of construction projects celebrated for their superior execution, linked to the company's long-standing ISO 9001:2015 accreditation.
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