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Memeber Profile

George Edwards

Membership year(s) completed: 64
Edwards Global Services Pty Ltd
Managing Director
Mine and Mineral Property Valuation, Mineral Economics and Markets

Professional bio

Graduated in Metallurgy from UNSW. Have been involved in every aspect of the coal industry, from exploration to management, including owning three export coal mines in NSW and marketing up to 5Mtpa export coals, mainly coking coals. Involved in coal mine sales and acquisitions for third parties. Also worked in every section of an integrated steel plant in Australia. Was President of The AusIMM, have chaired Standards Australia and SAI Global Limited and served on a number of other listed and unlisted boards. Was International Chair of the Coal Preparation Congress and chaired the Energy Council of Australia. Worked in developing countries for the United Nations on coal developments. Competent to do JORC and VALMIN studies.

Company overview

Edwards Global Services Pty Ltd
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