Conference Proceedings
AusIMM Annual Conference, Sydney, NSW, August 1969
Conference Proceedings
AusIMM Annual Conference, Sydney, NSW, August 1969
Geology - Paper No. 2 Offshore Seismic And Magnetic Surveys Of The Southern Coalfields Off Stanwell Park
A combined reflection seismic and magnetic survey off the south coast of New South Wales has revealed six distinct reflection horizons within the Lower Triassic- Upper Permian sequence, and has enabled the upper part of the Illawarra Coal Measures to be mapped in considerable detail. Large magnetic anomalies in the eastern half of the survey area appear to originate in the Gerringong Volcanic Sequence which forms the magnetic basement in this survey. Small residual anomalies in the western half of the area can be correlated with small scale faulting and folding in the uppert part of the Illawarra Coal Measures, as revealed by the seismic reflection survey. A synclinal axis striking at approximately 55 has been mapped near the western margin of the survey area, and areas of faulting and folding have been outlined by com- bined analysis of seismic and magnetic results.
J Ringis, L V Hawkins, K Seedsman
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- Published: 1968
- PDF Size: 1.108 Mb.
- Unique ID: P196901020