Conference Proceedings
AusIMM Annual Conference, Sydney, NSW, August 1969
Conference Proceedings
AusIMM Annual Conference, Sydney, NSW, August 1969
Geology - Paper No. 6 The Mineral Potential Of Granulite Terranes
The granulites and related "dry" igneous rocks tend to be passed over during exploration for metals. Preliminary data show that high trace concentrations of Cu, Ni and other metals of economic interest are common in orthopyroxene and some of the other granulite minerals. During retrograde metamorphism of granulites, pyroxenes are converted to amphiboles or phyllosilicates, and significant quantities of metals are released and become available for incorporat- ion into new mineral phases, or may be transported elsewhere. S--rich scapolite is the normal scapolite of granulites. Its retrogression to secondary plagioclase provides much S which scavenges Cu, Ni, etc., from pyroxenes undergoing retrogression, thus producing ore-fluids. A full analysis of a scapolite with 5.10 per cent S03 is given. Beryl is unstable in granulites but the rare Be mineral taaffeite (Al4Pf (Be,Fe)O3) with 5,50 per cent BeO occurs in central Australia as a pale green Tabular mineral easily confused for chloritoid in hand-specimen. Metamorphic differentiation and mobilization of primary ore concentrations are major factors controlling their post-granulite attitude and grade.
A F Wilson
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- Published: 1968
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- Unique ID: P196901023