Conference Proceedings
Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990
Conference Proceedings
Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990
Bezymianny Volcano: 35-Year Eruptive Cycle of Activity. Characteristic Types of Eruptions and Pyroclastic Deposits
The paper discusses the characteristics of Be- zymianny activity during the last 2500 years. Three periods of increased activity have been identified which are the eruptive cycles lasting for 100-400 yrs. The periods of high activity fall on the fol- lowing time intervals: 2400-1700 yrs ago, 1350-1000 yrs ago and from 1955 ixp to the present time. The 1955-1956 catastrophic eruption after a long period of repose (about 900-1000 yrs) opened a new cycle of activity of the volcano which is continuing to- day. Several decades are distinguished in activity which differ in character and intensity of eruptions.
G E Bogoyavlenskaya
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- Published: 1990
- PDF Size: 0.231 Mb.
- Unique ID: P199003021