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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1911

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1911

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Paper No. 186. The Electrolytic Refining of Auriferous And Argentiferous Copper at Lithgow, in New South Wales.

FOR some reason there is not any extensive literature in print on the electrolytic refining of copper, although the method is in general use in America and Europe. In Australia there are but three plants in existence one small one at Wallaroo, in SouthAustralia; one at Lithgow and one at Port Kembla the last two being in New South Wales. The largest of these is the Port Kembla plant. It is also the most modern, and embodies all the latest appliances and improvements of electrolytic practice.The plant and methods about to be described is that at Lithgow, with which the writer was associated for some years, and the experience gained there may be of interest. Electrolytic refining of copper is one of the simplest operations of metallurgy, but, like all metallurgical operations, it requires constant attention and a large amount of common sense. The man in charge should be endowed with an insatiable curiosity as to why certain things are occurring, and an instinct of cleanliness, whichmy first mentor in chemistry, Mr W A Dixon, once impressed on me was better than godliness.
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  • Paper No. 186. The Electrolytic Refining of Auriferous And Argentiferous Copper at Lithgow, in New South Wales.
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  • Published: 1910
  • PDF Size: 1.169 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1911_0145

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