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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1911

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1911

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Paper No. 197. Notes on Tin Sluicing in Tasmania.

IN this paper an attempt is made to describe the sluicing operations on the tin fields of north-eastern Tasmania. No claim is made to completeness, for much of the ground has already been covered, and nothing is to be gained by needless repetition. On this account some portions of the subject have obviously received but scanty attention in order that others may be rather more fully dealt with; for instance, figures referring to the accuracy of various methods of valuing alluvial deposits, particulars of efficiencies, and water duties on both overburden and drift; also, the system of recording water distribution, &c.The plans of the tin-streaming shed, sluice and feedrace, and overburden tail-race represent types of the most modern design.The principal alluvial deposits being worked at the present time are situated either in the ancient or modern bed of the Ringarooma river or its tributaries. This river flowed in a north-easterly direction, receiving numerous tributaries on either bank, and finally emptying into Boobyalla harbour. The most important of these tributaries, from a mining point of view, are the Cascade, Main creek, Weld and Frome rivers (which unite just before joining the modern Ringarooma), Wyniford river, and Bradshaw's...
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  • Published: 1910
  • PDF Size: 1.872 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1911_0156

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