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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1922

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1922

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Determination of Fineness of Silver by Volhard's Method, as Practised at the Port Pirie Works of the Broken Hill Associated Smelters Pty. Ltd.

THIS excellent volumetric method commends itself as a means of estimating the fineness of silver firstly, owing to the large number of possible impurities which do not affect its accuracy (these impurities include Cu-up to 70 % Au, Ph, Zn, Bi, Cd, Fe, Mn, Sb, and As); secondly, the method combines accuracy with speed. The above impurities are the only ones likely to be present in the B. H. A. S. Pty. Ltd. refined silver, and, with the exception of Cu and Au, the others, if present at all, would be well under 0.1 parts per 1000.Briefly stated, the method consists in the solution of the refined silver in HN03 , addition of ferric alum (indicator), and titration with an alkaline (either ammonium or potassium) thiocyanate solution until the brown ferric thiocyanate is formed, and gives a definite tint to the solution. The method is used at the Port Pirie smelters, and the outstanding feature in the method as there applied is the type of burette employed. This burette enables the operator to read 0.01 of a cc. with ease, whereas, with the ordinary burette fitted with a float, 0.05 of a cc., when a number of readings have to be taken, becomes very straining to the eyes. Moreover, waiting for the float to rise, and dislodging air bubbles from it, hinders rapid working.A description of the burette and fittings is appended with fig. 2. DETAILS OF THE METHODSolutions required are:a) Stock Solutions:(1) Ammonium thiocyanate, 40 grm. per litre of water; 30 litres are prepared and placed in a carboy with glass syphon attached.(2) Ferric alum, 250 grnl. per litre; two litres are prepared.
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  • Determination of Fineness of Silver by Volhard's Method, as Practised at the Port Pirie Works of the Broken Hill Associated Smelters Pty. Ltd.
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  • Published: 1921
  • PDF Size: 0.116 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1922_0264

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