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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1922

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1922

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Industrial Assaying and a System of Costing as Practised at the Port Pirie Works of the Broken Hill Associated Smelters Pty. Ltd.

IN any assay office it is of paramount importance to keep the men interested in their work; and in order to do this, men on routine work, such as lead, zinc, and sulphur deterrrrinations, slag analysis, etc, should be changed around monthly. This gives some variety and helps to keep a man's interest on his work, so that better work results. It may be maintained that to keep a man on the same class of work indefinitely makes him more expert at his work. This is certainly true; but in assaying, where accuracy is so essential, it is absolutely necessary for a man to keep his mind on the work, and not 'get' into a mechanical method of working. He is also on the alert to discover means for shortening his analytical methods, and his capacity forwork is increased. Another advantage is that the men get a good all-round training, and one is never at a loss to replace a man on any class of work when he is absent from any cause. This tends to smoother and more efficient running of the assay department. In industrial assaying it is often advantageous to have a result quickly, so that it will be of maximum benefit in the running of some part of the plant, In such a case it pays to sacrifice a little accuracy to speed up a method. The shortest method is less costly, and a quick approximate method is all that is required to give the superintendent the requisite information. Time is thereby saved, and the cost is less. In carrying out assaying for any large industrial plant, such as a smelting works, there is always a tendency for superintendents running the different departments to send in more samples for assay than are absolutely necessary when no system of costing is in operation. Some of these samples may involve a lot of work and heavy expenditure, as, for example, the estimation of only one impurity in a sample of refined lead. If the superintendent knows that the cost of assaying all samples sent in by,him is charged up directly against...
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  • Industrial Assaying and a System of Costing as Practised at the Port Pirie Works of the Broken Hill Associated Smelters Pty. Ltd.
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  • Published: 1921
  • PDF Size: 0.069 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1922_0259

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