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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1922

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1922

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The Analysis of Refined Lead, as Practised at the Port Pirie Works of the Broken Hill Associated Smelters Pty. Ltd.

IN preparing a sample of refined lead for analysis, it is necessary to exercise great care to avoid contaminatien, as the amounts of the various impurities present in market lead are very small. The lead is cut into convenient-sized pieces, which are flattened out with a hammer, so that, on putting tbe lead through the rolls, strips of about one inch in width and Ij32iu. in thickness are obtained. The hammer, anvil, and rolls should be carefully cleaned before use. The strips oflead are cut up into pieces of about one inch square. If the lead is roIled out very thin and cut up into small pieces there is considerable risk of the acid acting too violently and causing loss through frothing over. A blank assay on all the reagents used should becarried right through, along with the actual analysis of the lead. This is of the greatest importance, particularly with regard to the determination of such impurities as iron, sulphur, arsenic, and antimony.METHOD OF ANALYSISThe method of analysis is as follows: Take two lots of 600 gIm. each, place in a large beaker, add 2000 cc. distilled water and 750 cc. concentrated HNOs. Cover with a clock glass and warm on a hot asbestos plate until all action ceases. (If any white precipitate forms, filter off and examine for Sn and Sb.) Add 420 cc. H2S04 (1-1), and stir well while adding the acid: Allow PbS04 to settle, pour off the clear liquid into a 12-in. porcelain evaporating dish, and start evaporating down, the dish being placed directly on an 8-in. ring gas burner. Wash the precipitate three times by decantation using approximately 1200 cc. hot water for each washing, and stir well...
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  • The Analysis of Refined Lead, as Practised at the Port Pirie Works of the Broken Hill Associated Smelters Pty. Ltd.
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  • Published: 1921
  • PDF Size: 0.125 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1922_0258

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