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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1923

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1923

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The Handling of Materials at the Risdon Works of the Electrolytic Zinc Co. of Australasia Ltd.

THIS paper deals with the handling of the various materials used in the 100-ton zinc plant at Risdon, and, in view of the magnitude of the works, the configuration of the ground covered by these works, the variety of the rnaterials used, and the large quantities, a very attractive and interesting subject is opened.The works are situated on the right bank of the River Derwent, about four miles above Hobart, the capital city of Tasmania. The Risdon works cover a space of 149 acres, the area being :3800 yards long by 2800 yards wide, and the elevations vary from 6 ft. above high-water mark at the wharf and foreshore to 163 ft. above high-water mark at the power station, these being the limiting points as regards elevation which are considered in this paper. Throughout the paper elevations are given in feet above high-water mark. Fig. 1 shows a general view of the works taken from the opposite bank of the River Derwent. The wharf is clearly shown, with SS Kekerangu loading residue; behind the wharf is seen the inclined conveyor leading to the cakine bin; further up the hill is the leaching division. No. 1 haulage runs to the left of this up to a point on the left of the power station, the large reinforced concrete building at the top of the hill. Below this is the cell room, the largest building on the plant. The roasting division, not very clearly seen, lies at the foot of the main stack, and the casting division lies to the left of this, between the leaching division and the cell room. A large wharf has been construl'ted alongside the works. This wharf is 880 ft. long and 60 ft. wide. It is capable of berthing large overseas steamers, as at low tide there is a depth of :30 ft. of water. The rise and fall of the tide at the wharf is 4 ft. 6in., and the river is navigable at all states of the tide. Just above the company's wharf...
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  • Published: 1922
  • PDF Size: 1.021 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1923_0288

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