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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1936

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1936

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Some Side - Lights on the Prospecting Programme of Bendigo Mines Ltd. And its Subsidiaries

It is not the primary object of this paper to treat with the scheme of prospecting in detail, but it is considered that a brief description of the broad lines is necessary so that the significance of the points to be discussed later may be appreciated.The finding of payable gold reefs on the Bendigo field resolves itself into a two-fold problem, firstly the location of quartz bodies, and secondly the location of gold shoots in such bodies. The country rock of the field has been folded and faulted, and the occurrence of known reefs is associated with the fold axes and the faulting. The "lines" of the field are the anticlinal axes, and practically all known reefs are at or near centre country. Very little work has been done on the synclines, which may have some potential value.Quartz has been introduced along the fracture systems, and gives rise to the three main types of reef met with on the field, namely, the "back," which is similar to a bedded quartz reef and is formed along a bedding plane fault; the "saddle," which forms at the crest of the anticline and has the typical shape from which it takes its name; and "spurs," which are irregular masses of quartz, making off reefs of the first two types.As the fracturing throughout the field is widespread and fairly intense, the first problem, that of finqing quartz, is comparatively simple, and any regular system of blocking out the ground will be productive of quartz bodies.*Field Superintendent, Bendigo Mines Ltd. Assistant Field Superintendent, Bendigo Mines Ltd.
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  • Published: 1935
  • PDF Size: 3.079 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1936_0427

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