Conference Proceedings
The AusIMM Proceedings 1949
Conference Proceedings
The AusIMM Proceedings 1949
Developments at the Rosebery Concentrator of the Electrolytic Zinc Co. of Australasia Ltd.
Previous published papers by Fraser (1), Hey (2), and Stillwell (3), have given respectively, details of:-1. The practice in the pilot plant operated at Zeehan for the treatment of ores from the Rosebery field.2. The design, based largely on the experience gained at Zeehan, of the concentrator built at Rosebery.3. The nature of the orebodies of the zinc-lead lode at Rosebery.Changes and developments, at the Rosebery concentrator, since operations commenced, are now described with particular reference to recent practice.Three concentrates are produced, viz.: a copper, a lead, and a zinc concentrate. The current flow-sheet is shown in Fig. 1. Typical concentrate assays are...THE OREThe ore treated is derived from the Rosebery and Hercules Mines and is, milled in the ratio of, approximately, two parts of the former to one of the latter. The ores from the two mines may be considered as being similar in general character, although the Rosebery ore contains more pyrite. It is from this mine that any increased tonnage is expected. The ore is a mass of fine-grained, intimately associated sulphides, with practically no coarse...
L E Fielding
Developments at the Rosebery Concentrator of the Electrolytic Zinc Co. of Australasia Ltd.PDFThis product is exclusive to Digital library subscription
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- Published: 1948
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- Unique ID: P_PROC1949_0649