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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1955

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1955

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The Composition of Ore from the Lloyd Copper Mine, Burraga, N.S.W

In an earlier paper (Stanton, 1953) a brief account was given of the geological environment and structure of the Lloyd Copper Mine orebody, Burraga, N.S.W. The present paper is concerned with the chemical and mineralogical features of the ore from this mine.Investigation has been made difficult because of inaccessibility of the workings, which have been fallen in for many years. The exact positions within the orebody of the specimens described in this paper are known in only a few cases. The specimens examined are from the collections of the Mining and Australian Museums, Sydney, and from material collected by the writer from the upper parts of the mine and from various dumps about the old workings.However, no significant variations in the nature (as distinct from grade) of the ore have been mentioned in the old reports, or by Carne (1908) or Kenny (1928), so it is likely that the specimens examined are reasonably representative of the orebody as a whole.CHEMICAL CONSTITUTIONThe ore is of simple and apparently very uniform composition.It is essentially a copper ore, with minor amounts of zinc and very minor amounts of lead. Plotting of copper against zinc shows a more or less sympathetic relationship between these at least as far as 20 per cent. copper - the highest grade assayed during the present investigation. The trend of the plots indicates a Cu/Zn ratio of about 15/1 to this point. Lead is very low and extremely sporadic, showing no clear relationships with the other metals.MINERAL COMPOSITIONThe principal non-opaque minerals are quartz and sericite, and these are accompanied by smaller quantities of muscovite, calcite and biotite. Quartz is the most abundant mineral, occurring both as a C'onstituent of the country rock a quartz-sericite schist-and as veins. All quartz aggre...
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  • Published: 1954
  • PDF Size: 1.077 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1955_0781

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