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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1957

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1957

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No. 3 Changehouse

With the sinking of the No. 3 Shaft at North Broken Hill Limited, it was necessary to construct adjacent to the shaft a new changehouse for mining and surface personnel.It was also probable that as the older sections of the North and British leases were worked out, all employees at present working in these sections would be transferred to the No. 3 Shaft area. This could ultimately result in all personnel employed by North Broken Hill Limited being concentrated in this area, requiring the construction of new administration offices, workshops, mine store, etc., also in this area.
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  • Published: 1956
  • PDF Size: 2.093 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1957_0837

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