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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

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Bentonite and Fuller's Earth Deposits of New South Wales: I. Occurrence, Mineralogy and Physical Properties

Bentonites and fuller's earths from seven localities in N.S.W. have been analysed with respect to occurrence, mineralogy and physical properties and areas for future prospecting have been indicated.INTRODUCTIONThe rapid expansion of Australian industry in the postwar years has been accompanied by an ever increasing demand for fuller's earth and bentonite, but in New South Wales at least the demand has been met principally by imports. However, some local and generally inferior active earths have been won to blend with imported materials to reduce costs. The important discovery of the widespread distribution of bentonite clays in the Northern Coal Measures, made recently by Grim (Booker, 1956), has givenimpetus to the further search for material comparable in quality to the imported active earths.Bentonite may be defined as a highly plastic clay, generally possessing swelling properties, composed essentially of montmorillonite and derived from the alteration of volcanic ash. Fuller's earth refers to any clay which, with or without chemical treatment, is capable of decolourizing mineral or vegetable oils and is, therefore of economic value. Montmorillonite is the active component of most fuller's earths, though palygorskite-, halloysite- and even kaolinite-rich clays have been used.Previous literature related to the New South Wales deposits has been confined to general descriptions and little technical data beyond an occasional chemical analysIs have been available. Bentonites and fuller's earths from seven...
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  • Published: 1958
  • PDF Size: 0.197 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1959_0884

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