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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

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Flotation Testing of a Base Metal Ore From White's Orebody, Rum Jungle, N.T.

The base metal ore from the hanging wall of White's orebody at Rum Jungle, N.T., is composed of copper and sulphides in a rock described as a phyllite,.which consists essentially of micaceous minerals with a little graphite.Fast selective flotation was obtained in acid circuit below pH 35. In neutral or alkaline circuit flotation was generally slow and selectivity very poor due to the ready flotation of part of the sericite. However, it was found that fast selective flotation could be obtained in neutral or alkaline circuit by either of two treatment methods following pre-conditioning in acid circuit; firstly by decanting or filtering a substantial part of the circuit liquor, and secondly by neutralizing with soda ash or lime, providing the collector was added before neutralizing. Otherwise pre-conditioning with acid brought about no improvement whatever.To explain this behaviour, three possible reasons for the flotation of part of the sericite are examined. There is evidence that some sericite floats because of thin films of either sulphides or graphite, but it seems likely such particles will float under all the conditions investigated.On the other hand, if it is assumed that part of the sericite floats because it is activated by metallic ions derived from the circuit water, a reasonable explanation can be given for the variations in flotation behaviour.INTRODUCTIONWhite's uranium orebody at Rum Jungle, N.T., sixty miles south of Darwin, is mined and treated by Territory Enterprises Pty. Ltd. (a subsidiary of Consolidated Zinc Pty. Ltd.), who are managers of the Rum Jungle project on behalf of the Australian Commonwealth Government.This ore contains a significant quantity of copper sulphides, and a flotation plant recovers a copper concentrate from the tailing remaining after the uranium has been extracted.In contact with the hanging wall of the uranium-copper orebody, a further mass of non-uraniferous sulphide ore occurs, and the present paper relates to the behaviour in flotation of this base metal ore.
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  • Published: 1958
  • PDF Size: 1.786 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1959_0886

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