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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

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Investigations for a New Flowsheet and Plant at Wattle Gully Gold Mines N.L.

Wattle Gully Gold Mines N.L. of Chewton, Victoria, has decided to replace its present battery plant by a new mill to treat a free milling gold ore, after fine grinding, by concentrating coarse gold in a jig concentrate for amalgamation, and fine free gold and auriferous sulphides in a flotation concentrate for cyanidation. This paper outlines the economic justification and advantages of this step. In a review of the present position at the mine, a history of the company is followed by a description of the ore and its occurrence.Present treatment practice in two separate battery plants is described. Treatment tailings assay 1 dwt/ton gold and a substantial part of this gold is finer than 200 mesh.Experimental work showing how recovery may be improved is discussed and alternative methods of concentrating coarse gold mentioned. It is decided that the most suitable method for recovering gold from the ore is by jig concentration plus flotation.The merits of various flowsheets incorporating these techniques in the existing plant and in a new plant are assessed. It is concluded that there is no advantage in extending or converting the existing two battery plants, and it would be more economical and satisfactory to build a new plant.An economic study shows that for a capital expenditure of 120,000 a new plant could be erected to treat 70,000 tons p.a., working a 5-day week, and return an additional 14.2/- per ton, or 50,000 p.a., in revenue over the existing plant. It is estimated the plant cost can therefore be recouped out of savings inside three years. Probable ore reserves are sufficient to cover this period and additional ore will certainly be developed.INTRODUCTIQNSince 1934, Wattle Gully Gold Mines N.L. has been mining a lode gold ore at Chewton, near Castleniaine, and treating it by stamp milling and plate amalgamation, plus table concentration of auriferous sulphides. In 1954, following two years of unprofitable operation, a rehabilitation programme of all sections of the mine and plant was commenced. In the treatment section, two, major prospects for improvement...
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  • Published: 1958
  • PDF Size: 3.264 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1959_0887

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