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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1968

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1968

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Papers in collection

  • A Mineralogical Examination of the McArthur Lead-Zinc-Silver Deposit Go to Paper
  • A Quantitative Chemical Model of the Broken Hill Lead-Zinc Deposit Go to Paper
  • A Simple Coarse Batch Particle Sizer for Plant Use Go to Paper
  • A Statistical and Geological Review of the Zeehan Silver-Lead Mines, West Tasmania Go to Paper
  • An Application of Trend Surface Analysis to the Preparation of Cover Isopach Maps for Coal Seams Go to Paper
  • Atomic Absorption Analysis for Nickel Using a Resonance Detector Go to Paper
  • Barrow Island Development Drilling-The Application of Experience, Equipment and Techniques to Achieve Maximum Economy Go to Paper
  • Battery Grade Manganese Dioxide From Risdon Anode Mud Go to Paper
  • Cadmium in Tasmanian Sphalerites Go to Paper
  • Continuous Measurement of Liquid Retention and Drainage in Porous Media Go to Paper
  • Deep Leaching and Accelerated Post-Mine Oxidation in the 500 Orebody at Mount Isa Go to Paper
  • Gas Well Testing in the Roma Area Go to Paper
  • Geology of the Eastern Creek Volcanics in the Mount Isa District Go to Paper
  • Ground Stability Problems Associated with the Black Rock Open Cut at Mount Isa Go to Paper
  • Installations of the Computer at Mount Isa Go to Paper
  • Investigations Into X-ray Fluorescence Analysis of Slurry Streams at Mount Isa Go to Paper
  • Minor Pyrometasomatic Mineralization in the Wuuluman Granite, Central Western New South Wales Go to Paper
  • Mount Isa Cut and Fill (MICAF) Stoping Go to Paper
  • Presidential Address, 1968: The Standards We Inherit Go to Paper
  • Problems and Findings of Applied Petrology in Relation to the Upgrading of Brown Coal Go to Paper
  • Rock Pressures Induced by Weathering and Physicochemical Processes Go to Paper
  • Rock Types and Mineralization at Panguna Porphyry Copper Prospect, Upper Kaverong Valley, Bougainville Island Go to Paper
  • Some Operational Aspects of Heap Leaching at Rum Jungle Go to Paper
  • Structures and Field Relations of Epidiorite Dykes in the Broken Hill Orebody Go to Paper
  • Technical Note on an Automatic Coarse Batch Particle Sizer Go to Paper
  • Technical Note on Upgrading of Contaminated Zinc Concentrate at Mount Isa Mines Limited Go to Paper
  • Technology of Electrolytic Reduction of Alumina by the Hall-Heroult Process: V. The Formation of Chiolite by Reaction Between Molten Cryolite and Aluminium Go to Paper
  • The Application of Operations Research to Some Technical and Management Problems Go to Paper
  • The Design, Construction and Commissioning of No. 2 Concentrator, Mount Isa Mines Limited Go to Paper
  • The Effects of Environment on Bacterial Leaching Rates Go to Paper
  • The Mineralogy and Genetic Significance of a Consols-Type Vein in the Main Lode Horizon, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Go to Paper
  • The New Updraught Sinter Plant at Mount Isa Mines Limited Go to Paper
  • The Petrography of Some New South Wales Permian Coals from the Tomago Coal Measures Go to Paper
  • The Petrology and Mineralogy of the Whipstick Molybdenite-Bismuthinite Mines, Pambula District, N.S.W. Go to Paper
  • The Reaction of Anfo Explosives with Mineral Sulphides Go to Paper
  • The Sulphating Roasting of Copper Sulphide Concentrates Go to Paper
  • The Use of Comparative Sampling Methods at Cleveland Mine, Tasmania Go to Paper
  • X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Broken Hill Dusts Go to Paper
PD Hours
Approved activity
  • Published: 1967
  • Unique ID: PA-Proc1968

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