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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1969

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1969

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Ore Breaking and Handling at The C.S.A. Mine, Cobar

Parallel lenticular orebodies occurring at the C.S.A. mine of Cobar Mines Pty. Ltd. are mined by mechanized cut and fill stoping over the full strike length. Access is provided for each stope lift from an inclined drive adjacent to the orebody. Mobile drill jumbos mounting hydraulically-operated booms are used for drilling upholes which are subsequently charged with ANFO explosive.Close control of drilling has been found essential for good back conditions and to ensure optimum fragmentation.Broken ore is transported from the face to the main ore pass by rubber-tyred, diesel-powered, load-haul-dump units. Initially, the units trammed ore to the main pass via the incline drive. As the stopes advanced and the lead distances increased, stope passes were developed in the wall rock and raised concurrently with each stoping lift. The passes terminate in drawpoints and production loaders are used to transport ore from the drawpoints to the main ore pass system.Two parallel ore pass systems have been developed to cater for both copper and copper-zinc ores. These systems terminate above a 48 in. by 60 in. jaw crusher. The crushed ore is conveyed to a traversing rock box and thence to one of two crushed ore bins adjacent to the main hoisting shaft. A loading station conveyor is interlocked with the winder to provide automatic ore hoisting.All phases of ore handling have been mechanized as completely as possible. Results to date indicate this policy has been vindicated but highlight the need for tight operating control and close liaison between operating and maintenance personnel.
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  • Published: 1968
  • PDF Size: 0.597 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1969_1199

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