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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1971

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1971

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Papers in collection

  • Control of the Flotation Rate of Carbonaceous Material in Mount Isa Chalcopyrite Ore Go to Paper
  • A Comparison of the Mechanism of Breakage in Full Scale and Laboratory Scale Grinding Mills Go to Paper
  • A Detailed Assessment of Concentrator Performance at Broken Hill South Limited Go to Paper
  • A Petrographic Approach to the Coking of Coals the Illawarra Coal Measures of the Southern Coalfield, N.S.W. Go to Paper
  • A Single Compartment Cell for the Electrolytic Production of Aluminium from Molten Chlorides Go to Paper
  • A Unique Vessel for Offshore Construction Go to Paper
  • Cemented Fill Practice and Research at Mount Isa Go to Paper
  • Discovery, Exploration, and Investigations of Phospate Deposits in Queensland Go to Paper
  • Feasibility Study for a Silicon Industry in Southland, New Zealand Go to Paper
  • Geochemical and Bacteriological Studies of the Cupriferous Environment at Pernatty Lagoon, South Australia Go to Paper
  • Iron-Titanium Oxide Minerals from the Giles Complex, Central Australia Go to Paper
  • Kaolinite Claystone in the Burralow Formation of the Sydney Basin Go to Paper
  • Measuring the Flow of Solids in Solid-Liquid Mixtures Go to Paper
  • Metallurgical Effects Associated with the use of Cemented Backfill at the Zinc Corporation, Limited and New Broken Hill Consolidated Limited Go to Paper
  • Metasomatism and Scheelite Mineralization at Bold Head, King Island Go to Paper
  • Mining Practice at Cleveland Tin N.L., Tasmania Go to Paper
  • Oceanographic Preparations for Offshore Drilling Go to Paper
  • Performance of Electrodes Containing Brown Coal Char in Alumina Reduction Go to Paper
  • Plant Trial of Radioisotope X-ray Methods for the On-Stream Determination of Copper Lead, And Zinc in Mineral Slurries at Cobar Mines Pty. Ltd. Go to Paper
  • Prediction of Optimum Cleaning results for an Undeveloped Coal Seam Go to Paper
  • Presidential Address, 1971 The Future of the Australasian Mineral Industry Go to Paper
  • Recent Developments and Applications of Bucket Wheel Excavators in Australia Go to Paper
  • Reduction of Pelletized Australian Iron Ores Go to Paper
  • Refining Metals with Sulphur Go to Paper
  • Removal of Iron Oxides from Bauxitic Ores Go to Paper
  • Sedimentary Structures in Lower Proterozoic Rocks, Barrier Ranges, N.S.W. Go to Paper
  • Supervisory Control of Bass Strait Oil and Gas Production Go to Paper
  • The Bougainville Copper Project Go to Paper
  • The Cementation of Metals form Dilute Aqueous Solution Go to Paper
  • The Colorimetric Determination of Thorium in Soils, Sediments, and Rocks Go to Paper
  • The Colorimetric Determination of Vanadium in Soils, Sediments, and Rocks for Use in Geochemical Exploration Go to Paper
  • The Condensation of Aluminum Chloride Vapour in a Stirred-Bed Condenser Go to Paper
  • The Decoppering of Lead, Tin, and Bismuth by Stirring with Elemental Sulphur Go to Paper
  • The Determination of Bismuth in Soils, Sediments, and Rocks Go to Paper
  • The Extraction of Nickel from Laterites by High Temperature Reactions with Glycerol Go to Paper
  • The Future of the Victorian Brown Coal Industry Go to Paper
  • The Hematite Ores of Mount Tom Price and Mount Whaleback, Hamersley Iron Province Go to Paper
  • The Place of Oil and Gas in Future Energy Patterns in Australia Go to Paper
  • The Prevention and Control of Burning in Waste Coal Dumps Go to Paper
  • The Requirements for Manufacture of Nuclear Fuel in Australia Go to Paper
  • The Use of an Agitated Bed of Particles as an Electrode System for Metal Deposition Go to Paper
  • Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Diagram of the Binary Alloy System Gold-Nickel Go to Paper
  • Thernodynamic Properties and Phase Diagram of the Copper-Lead BinaryAlloy System Go to Paper
  • Vertical Zoning of Gold-Silver Tellurides in the Emperor Gold Mine, FIJI Go to Paper
PD Hours
Approved activity
  • Published: 1970
  • Unique ID: PA-Proc1971

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