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Conference Proceedings

Utilisation of Steelplant Slags, lllawarra

Conference Proceedings

Utilisation of Steelplant Slags, lllawarra

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Use of Blast Furnace and Steel Slags as a Rail Ballast Material in U.S.A.

Both blast furnace and steel furnace slags have been used extensively and successfully on main line railroads in the United States for more than 25 years. Annually, these slags are being used as ballast at the rate of about 4 million tonnes of blast furnace slag and 1 mil- lion tonnes of steel furnace slag, much of it on main line with 90 metric tonne car loadings._x000D_
More steel furnace slag would be used if it was available. Both slags meet all the specification limits of the American Railway Engineering Association. Actual use on high density rail- roads has confirmed the long range economics of their use. Comparison of laboratory tests, such as Los Angeles abrasion, with actual field per- formance has shown conclusively that commonly used laboratory tests can not be used to accu- rately compare the quality of various types of ballast materials.
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  • Published: 1978
  • PDF Size: 0.103 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P197901016

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